Ashok Mody & Rajul Shah
2016.10.1 - 2016.10.2
[EAST 101]
Ashok ModyさんとRajul Shahさんによる
広々としているEAST館101のスペースは半分に分けられ、左側はAshok Modyさん、そして右側はRajul Shahさんの作品がずらりと飾られています。
こちらの華やかでエレガントな雰囲気が溢れるのは、Rajul Shahさんの油彩作品です。
こちらにはAshok Modyさんの人物をメインにした絵画作品が飾られています。
Ashok Mody
An architect practicing in Mumbai for over 40 years has reinvented himself as a painter. As an architect he has worked on numerous projects in India, and the Middle East and has won several awards. Through his paintings, he explores his childhood icon, Gandhiji, and the many facets of the life of Mahatma Gandhi and his philosophy and ideals.
An architect practicing in Mumbai for over 40 years has reinvented himself as a painter. As an architect he has worked on numerous projects in India, and the Middle East and has won several awards. Through his paintings, he explores his childhood icon, Gandhiji, and the many facets of the life of Mahatma Gandhi and his philosophy and ideals.
Rajul Shah
Retired from her first career in healthcare marketing, Rajul is embarking on a second career as an artist who moved to Tokyo 4 years ago. Rajul has trained in Oil, Drawing, Photography and Nihonga painting with supplementary classwork at Temple University, Tyler School of Art in Japan.
Retired from her first career in healthcare marketing, Rajul is embarking on a second career as an artist who moved to Tokyo 4 years ago. Rajul has trained in Oil, Drawing, Photography and Nihonga painting with supplementary classwork at Temple University, Tyler School of Art in Japan.
Artwork will include Acrylic Portraits of Mahatma Gandhi on Canvas by Ashok Mody.
Mixed Media artwork, including gold, silver and colored metal leaf, with textile, applique and oil on canvas will show Indian Iconic symbols in figurative abstracts.
Come experience a bit of India as we celebrate the Birthday of Mahatma Gandhi with an exhibition highlighting the moments and philosophies of his life that brought peaceful revolution and icons from the country he loved. The Spirit and Joy of India can be found in many images; but none so vivid as the festive colors of joy that depicts the attitude of India toward life. Icons such as the Peacock, the Lotus, the Sun and Moon, the Mandela and others signify prosperity, purity, grace, eternal love, and rebirth. The pursuit of spiritual harmony, joy and peace will be evident in the character of the artwork.
【展示スペース:EAST 101】
DFstaff jessie